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Unplug | Day 1 | Self Care Challenge

In the current climate, it may seem like the best and most obvious thing to do is to watch absolutely every news update and read every article, and of course that’s fine if it makes you feel more informed and therefore better. However, we would also suggest that in a time where there is SO MUCH information to digest and a lot of it new and daunting, it might be a good idea to unplug.  

This can be for an hour a day, an evening, every evening, a day, a week or three! When you unplug from technology, you lock away all of your devices and forget about them. It doesn’t just mean turning off your smartphone, it also means turning off the television, powering down your computer and shutting down any other electronic devices. It’s all about enjoying and appreciating the world around you. 

Social media is always a place of information and opinions but if you feel that it's becoming a negative space, unfollow people who are adding to this or mute things for the time being and take a break. The same goes for the news, in this moment, the Government has put us in lockdown and until that changes, you could easily use this time to detox from popular media and give yourself a break from the current situation. Unplugging from technology doesn’t always have to be about electronics either. It can include taking a step away from work or any stressful environment. This is a stress-free zone! 

1. Take baby steps toward reducing screen time.  You might be surprised how hard it can be to unplug. Start by regularly scheduling 15 minutes of screen-free time. Once you get into the habit, increase to 30 minutes, then an hour, two hours, etc. Research has also proven that reducing screen time helps de-stress after the day’s work, making you happier, healthier & more productive! 

2. Bedtime is no time for screen time. The blue glow of a device is proven to disrupt sleep. Keeping devices out of the bedroom builds better sleep habits and can aid undisturbed sleep. 

3. Try journaling instead of scrolling. Going offline for longer than 10 minutes might feel strange at first but keeping a diary is the perfect way to fill that time reflecting and boosting mindfulness. Find a journal that works for you and just start writing! 

4. Make Sunday a device-free day.  Taking Sunday to go screenless will let you attend to things that are important to you. Try out that new recipe, catch up on to-dos that have been weighing on your mind, get creative. Whatever you choose to do with your screen-free time, you’ll feel good about yourself because you took that time to be more productive.

5. Stack those smartphones at mealtime. Make a house rule that keeps smartphones, tablets & the TV off during meals, you could even try playing the phone stack game. Simply stack everyone’s phones upside down on the table. Whoever goes the longest without touching their phone wins! 

6. Use a paper planner instead of an app. Every minute you spend with a paper planner is automatically unplugged & off screens. As an added benefit, and unlike planner apps, you can organize, view and store everything all together with a paper planner. So add a little extra time with your paper planner every day and enjoy less screen time, less stress and more productivity! 

7. Unplug and pamper yourself. Your screen-free time doesn’t need to be all about organizing! Why not treat yourself to a little bit of extra self-care? Take a hot bath, read a book or cook a meal. 


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